Why Improv?


From over 20 years of experience as a performer and instructor of improvisation, I’ve found that improvisation hones many of the skills organizations and professionals need to work at their best:

  • Listening. Improvisers must stay present in the moment, listen with empathy and openness, and build off of each other's ideas. All good communication at work starts with listening, and the better we are able to hear each other, the more effectively we can work together.

  • Innovation. Improvisation shows us that mistakes can be opportunities; it pushes us creatively and encourages us to move outside of our regimented thinking to find new solutions where previously we only saw barriers.

  • Public speaking. Applied improvisation training helps participants gain comfort and confidence speaking in front of others, and reminds us that effective communication is not just about what you say, but about how you say it. Those versed in improvisation training not only present more confidently but can also tell their story, or that of their brand or project, in a more compelling and engaging way.

  • Team building. There's no better team building activity than playing and supporting each other through improv exercises. The trust you build and earn through the supportive setting of play brings groups together to remind us that we're all on the same team, working toward a common goal. 

If you think improvisation training might help your group or organization, get in touch and let's talk about how to structure the best workshop experience to meet your needs.